Thursday, December 30, 2010

Enormous Online Library WOO HOO  Over 20,000 links for parents, teachers and Students  I need to learn what this online diggo library is.

The 20 Most Popular Posts of 2010 from Parentella

The 20 Most Popular Posts of 2010 from Parentella No I have not read any of them, but I would like to so I am putting this here so I can find it because it's all about me and no one reads this anyway (: The amount of information really good information that is out there on the internet and the number of good, caring, wonderful people that are working hard to make this a better world, to improve the quality of education, to help other educators is inspiring. So this is a thank you to you all, where ever  you are.

My Best Posts For Tech Novices by: Larry Ferlazzo

My Best Posts For Tech Novices (Plus A Few From Other People) By Larry Ferlazzo

If you are interested in utilizing technology in the classroom Mr. Ferlazzo has got you covered!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Adding parts and pieces

Dash Davis
Went walking with Dash thinking about technology and blogging and teaching and gardening and exercising and writing and national boards and well I could go on but really it would be a bit much.  Believe it or not walking clears my head.  Scary isn't it?! Suffice to say that I am experimenting with this blog and adding things, lots of things, which may or may not prove to be beneficial.  I want to thank all of the educators on twitter who keep posting things that inspire me and a, "thank you,"  and, " how do you do it???"  to all of the educators out there who have blogs that truly inform and are helpful.  That is my goal for this one but clearly we are not there yet, it's on the list....  On that note if you have students who are struggling readers check out the, Dragonblood, series by Michael Dahl.  My 6th and 8th grade resource students love them.  Also check out any of the books from Nox Press  (Junk Yard Dan Series, The Smith Brothers, Honor Series, Al's world Series) written by Elise Leonard and stay tuned for a post enumerating all of her titles. 

Twitter posts

I am looking forward to the new year and as this blog seems to becoming my online journal I wanted to add the things that I have found on twitter:
Many resources for reading/math/more all in one place!

Check out these books for older struggling/emergent/ESL readers:

Neuroimaging helps to predict which dyslexics will learn to read (Science daily)  

Thank you for the post on ilearn technology : create free online binders:

I signed up today to continue my quest for national board certification so this is my continuing adventure along with the everyday how can I do this better question (:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 goals Challenge

The first challenge is to create a diary entry, I am looking forward to finding out what the other 29 things are (focused on technology and education)  I could use a little inspiration right now as Iam feeling that vacation is going too quickly and I am not feeling excited to go back like I usually do.  Need to focus on what that is about!  Tomorrow I will sign up for my retake execises to try and accomplish nation board certification.   

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Channel 261

The exercise channel, now what will I use as an excuse???

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Look for the Puppies!

Anita these are onions and puppy pics that I don't think you have!  Also if you go back to the 2009 posts you can read the posts I did about the 23 things project if you want to get an idea of what they ask you to do.

Walking in the DARK!

Went walking:4 miles, it is cold!  100 crunches yesterday and today.  20 sissy girl pushups yesterday.  Don't know how many today yet.  Went to Autism team meeting today and looking forward to the weekend when I can see the sun!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Westfield NC vacation

I am joining my sister in a revival of our youthful selves! Today we did weight training yoga, crunches and pushups to our rock and roll music. There will be a continuation of this new pattern as I go back on my merry way to Maine and Mass and we will motivate each other through posting our exercise medley on this blog of new ideas of fun ways to get back to the way we use to be!!

Today is Black Friday

We are starting new posts about our daily exercise, physical activity etc.  in an attempt to slow our slip into old age.  Be Happy and Healthy!

Exercising options

Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

goals revisited because of a friend

Personal goals:
Exercise 30 min. 5 times per week.  Come on really I should be able to make myself do at least this much!!!

Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.

Drink 5 glasses of water every day.

Use a small plate at dinner.

Send five postcards/notes to students& parents complementing positive behavior/ academic accomplishment per month.

Increase my supplemental retirement saving each year by at least $50.00/month every year until I reach 400.00 per month.

Summer goals:
Create smart board lessons for all major math concepts

Set up wiki space/blog for parents to access these lessons and math games/activities to practice at home. 

Next year goals:
1. set up parent/student nights to teach new math concepts

2. Set up parent teacher night s to discuss reading goals

3.  Bring real life/ community/technology into the classroom more tahn this year. 
One way:  raise money for read for the record, try to expand this activity to other Stokes County school campuses.

Long term goals:

1. literacy program for Stokes County to reach out to parents before students reach school and after??? Maybe could I?

2. Eye-to-eye program for our school campus

3. Keep thinking about my future

Monday, February 1, 2010

Goals check in

Well here we are at the end of Jnuary. I have done well with the 400 calories meals except for the last meal of the day:  MY DOWN FALL!!!  Laura and I are exercising in the school weigh room on Monday's and Fridays.  I am still not where I want to be in terms of my exercise plan. 

I spoke to Greg C. today who was the director at the school I used to work at.  He reminded me of something that I forget:  The only person I can control is myself.  So I am saying it again to reinforce it: The only person I can control is myself.  Have I done a good job today?  Have I done my best?  I can not control what others choose to do or choose not to do.  PEACE

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Look Ma no hands

Learned how to create a GLOG today!!!  We are blogging Thursday in the classroom, Will try to GLOG next week and have students create a poster about something they will read from their self selected reading book.  Wish me luck!  Good luck you (: 

glog post

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Only One More Day

Today is Saturday, only one more day of the cabbage soup diet.  It looks like I will have soup left over to freeze. Today I will have a steak for dinner and tomorrow RICE!!! Carbohydrates YES. Final weight posted Monday Morning when I get up, at which point I will move on to the 4- four hundred calorie meal plan until I get rid of the spare tire.  Might try Special K cereal as I can pinch More than an inch.  Not good news about the exercising on Thursday and Friday.  That would be a No, but will make up for it today and tomorrow. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Spell Check and Vegetable Soup

     Well I think the reason that I don't have spell check is that my version of Microsoft windows is not new enough to support it.  Sorry about your luck!!!

     I have lost the holiday weight and the headache that I had for the past two days detoxing from something.  Sugar maybe???   Now I am back to where I started so it will get more difficult from here.   It is very cold so I have not walked but I have exercised each day and will again as soon as I write this.  I have not cheated on the diet YET!!  I am addicted to carbohydrates I think.  I don't miss meat at this point but would REALLY like to have bread, rice, oatmeal or  COOKIES!!! 4 more days to go after today.
HEre is a link to the cabbage soup diet:  I put a lot of herbs that  I froze from the garden and it is good soup, not bland, just not satisfying today day 3 of 7.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Own Resolutions

Well, it is that time of year when people make resolutions that they are not able to keep.  I am one of those people, but I am hoping that this blog will help me stay the course.  My colesterol is high and has been and I just read that this is a contributing figure to alztiemer's(spelling)  WHERE OH WHERE IS SPELL CHECK?  I think I wondered this before.  I resolve to find out but not today.  And I am daffy enough already, I don't need to contribute to my own mental deterioration!!!

1.  follow cabbage soup diet for 7 days.  One day done...have not cheated.
2.  Eat 4 400 calorie meals per day after that until I reach 118 lbs.  (15 lbs to lose)
3.  In 90 days be able to do 5 real push-ups
4. Exercise 4 days per week.  Exercised yesterday, going to today.

Incorperate more technology
complete National Board Entries

Am going to send this link to several people so that they will be "witnesses"  Happy New Year!