Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 9, 2012                                                                                 7:12 pm


This is a copy of my Christmas letter, thought I would post it hear so that I can come back an look at it years from now.  No one else reads this so why not !!!

It is Sunday night, the 9th.  Uncommonly warm here this past week.  I just picked my broccoli and several cabbages. I also have beets and turnips growing.  Beets aren’t doing much though.  Today I made a vegetable soup with fresh potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli and green beans, peppers and tomato puree from the freezer, all from the garden.   Also made a broccoli coleslaw, regular salad and apple crisp.  I usually cook a lot on Sunday to avoid it for the first few  days of the  work week.  We have planted blueberries, blackberries, grapes and two kiwi bushes, a mulberry tree, two apple trees and a fig.  We do not have enough time to tend them as we should so I don’t know if we will ever get a harvest.  The weeds around here are monsters and grow faster than anything!!!!!

John has been very fortunate to find a steady job about ten minutes from the house.  It is a remodel of a foreclosure that the owners want to make into a bed and breakfast.    He has been there for several months and there is still a great deal of work to do and the owner has other jobs for him when this one is finished.  In today’s economy we are so thankful that he has steady work. 

John’s son, Tucker is taller than his father.  John made a stick that is nailed up next to the door in Tucker’s room.  The same stick was at the house John rented in Pinnacle before we moved here.  The first mark is from October 2002.  Tucker was not quite 3 years old.  This past weekend when he was here, John measured him and he is now taller than his father.  He is a freshman in high school and doing great.  He is in AG classes and participates in Art Club.  He still does not like fishing, but that’s ok (O:   

 Last year we got a greenhouse frame from a friend of mine and we have that set up and are hoping to have it put together and ready to use for next spring planting.  John also did a job to get a building that was going to be torn down on the job he is on and that will be moved over here.  Part of it to become a building that will cover our water stove and some of the rest may become a bathroom on the Love Shack!!!   Keep your fingers crossed!  I would like to be able to (when I say I, I mean John since he does these things and I don’t have a mouse in my pocket) hook the water stove up to the Love shack and the green house so that both will be heated.  It’s on the list which we work though as we can based on our limitations of time and money>  (O:

Our projects do not seem to be moving along but we are spending a lot of time playing music.  John was a good guitar player when I met him but he is getting better and better.   I play and sing with a bluegrass/country band on Tuesdays at a local Bojangles restaurant.  On Friday there is an open Jam that we go to and I sometimes sing with another band called, “Sounds of Now and Then.”  I might get to sing on a local radio show with a gospel group in a week or two.  I have always loved to sing and John is being very supportive to allow me to pursue  this endeavor even though it does not bring in any money.  (we do make tips at Bojangles, I’m making tens of dollars!!!).  I have saved the money though, and was able to buy some microphones with it.  I have a dream that someday John and I will play out together, so I’m getting ready.  We’d also like to be able to have jams here someday in the Love Shack.

  If you need a turnip stop by (O:    I am thankful for my health, for my family and friends like you,  work, music and our furry friends.  A happy Christmas and New Year to all and to all a good night!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


This is the beginning of the Parmachenee Road in Wilson's Mills where my parents had a camp when we were growing up.Here is a link to the song I wrote called, Parmachenee Road for my sister's birthday:

And another original called, Everything changes:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Blood Brothers by: Bruce Springsteen

Blood Brothers by: Bruce Springsteen: Covered by:  ME  with a little help from Dash Davis and the Bella Sausage!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dash Davis at a parade

Rainbows in Westfield


Storms Coming

Abbott Brook, Wilsons Mills, ME

Lupines: Wilson's Mills, ME

Magalloway River

Our Frisbee Dog Cocoa Bean

Voila Violas!

One of my viola plants in Westfield!  I forgot to mention that the students also got to tour the kitchen garden at the botanical garden in Kernersville.  It was amazing to me that none of the students recognized any of the common plants, like lettuce, strawberries and pansies.  This was true even of the students who enjoy the outdoors and participate in hunting, fishing and four wheeling with their families.  Who knew that everyone didn't know what a pansy was????  THANKS MOM!!!   I have a lot of left over seeds so I am going to bring them in with some potting soil and the plastic four packs that i have saved and let the kids plant some seeds.  One of our science teachers and I were talking about how so many kids never go outside and think that outside is "icky", dirty, boring and various other uncomplimentary adjectives.  If young people don't care about the outdoors, they may not put up much of a fight to protect our air, water and wild spaces.

Two, Two, Two mints in one

I planted tomatoes and peppers today!!  Then came in and wished as I often do that there were two of me:  One person to do all the stuff I do and another to just read.  It used to be wishing to read books and journal articles. Now it is also blog posts and online articles about teaching and applying technology effectively in the classroom.  Just read this article:10 underhyped web apps by Adam Dachis.  Now if only I had the time to go check out the ten things that he describes!! Summer is vacation is only 3 weeks away so I'll have time then!  Took our READ 180 students on a field trip to Korner's Folly in Kernerville, NC.   Beautiful house!!  The kids did a great job and had fun in a nearby park where they also wrote some poetry.  Looking forward to reading.  I wish we could do more things like this.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ted Lessons

This seems like something that might develop into a great resource!!

Introducing TED-Ed: Lessons worth sharing