Wednesday, February 3, 2010

goals revisited because of a friend

Personal goals:
Exercise 30 min. 5 times per week.  Come on really I should be able to make myself do at least this much!!!

Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.

Drink 5 glasses of water every day.

Use a small plate at dinner.

Send five postcards/notes to students& parents complementing positive behavior/ academic accomplishment per month.

Increase my supplemental retirement saving each year by at least $50.00/month every year until I reach 400.00 per month.

Summer goals:
Create smart board lessons for all major math concepts

Set up wiki space/blog for parents to access these lessons and math games/activities to practice at home. 

Next year goals:
1. set up parent/student nights to teach new math concepts

2. Set up parent teacher night s to discuss reading goals

3.  Bring real life/ community/technology into the classroom more tahn this year. 
One way:  raise money for read for the record, try to expand this activity to other Stokes County school campuses.

Long term goals:

1. literacy program for Stokes County to reach out to parents before students reach school and after??? Maybe could I?

2. Eye-to-eye program for our school campus

3. Keep thinking about my future

Monday, February 1, 2010

Goals check in

Well here we are at the end of Jnuary. I have done well with the 400 calories meals except for the last meal of the day:  MY DOWN FALL!!!  Laura and I are exercising in the school weigh room on Monday's and Fridays.  I am still not where I want to be in terms of my exercise plan. 

I spoke to Greg C. today who was the director at the school I used to work at.  He reminded me of something that I forget:  The only person I can control is myself.  So I am saying it again to reinforce it: The only person I can control is myself.  Have I done a good job today?  Have I done my best?  I can not control what others choose to do or choose not to do.  PEACE